Have you ever felt lost?

Like you don’t recognize the person staring back at you in the mirror?

I have.

I get it because I’ve been where you are.

Hi, I'm Casey Anselmi.

I’m a Certified Life Coach and Soul Restoration Instructor.

I am here to guide you to improve your confidence, reconnect with your inner soul and to begin living a life you love!

I have been where you are

There once was a time when I forgot who I was and what lit me up. I got lost along the way. I spent my whole life trying to please everyone else. I was so busy putting everybody else’s priorities and shit ahead of my own for so long that I forgot who I was. The woman staring back at me in the mirror was a stranger to me.

I felt stuck, broken and looking to everyone else for the answers to what made me happy.

I had no idea what my goals and dreams were. 

I compared myself to everyone else, prioritized everyone one else and felt like I was not enough. That I was unworthy.  

I know you’ve done all the things… 

I know because I tried all the things too. 

I read self-development books, went to therapy, bought a new wardrobe, repeated affirmations, talked to friends and family, etc.

I would feel better for only a short amount of time but always found myself back in the same place with the same fears and doubts.

After my divorce my self-confidence was low. I struggled with believing that I had the ability to create the future I dreamed of. I focused on making everyone around me happy but I was miserable on the inside. I didn’t know who I was anymore. 

I had to figure out who I was and what brought me joy. After a lot of hard work and soul searching I discovered life coaching and Soul Restoration. Soul Restoration helped me heal from my own difficult life experiences that shaped who I am today and restored my soul back to my authentic self.  I got certified and invested in a coach. 

Things changed for me and I am confident that you can find the YOU that you may have lost along the way

Sometimes we forget that we matter.

My mission is to empower you to live your best life confidently by helping you break down the walls and fears that have been holding you back by lovingly challenging you to embrace the spark within.

Trust that what you want to cultivate matters enough to allow it to ripen over time as you take small steps forward - and some big leaps along the way too.